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Old 04-27-2012, 11:15 AM   #43 (permalink)
Got MPG?
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Southern Alberta, Canada
Posts: 330

The Car - '09 Toyota Corolla CE Enhanced
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Thanked 43 Times in 38 Posts
The (ahem) 'size' demographic of North America would point to at least half the population be able to move their feet enough to press the pedals and row the gears without having a heart attack. They would have to put down the cheese burgers and soda and not be continually stuffing their faces and talking on cell phones. For a lot of these 'biggest loser contestants' its all they can do to enter/exit the vehicle, let alone turn the steering wheel because their bodies are right up against it...with the seat back as far as it will go.

In accord with some of the other posts, with modern electronics possibly enabling AT as good or better mpgs than the stick, there is little incentive to be involved with the vehicle. Its a different world than 10 or 20 years ago with cars and their value system. The majority of them are simply using them as appliances now.
2013 Honda Civic Si - 2.4L
OEM front to back belly pan from the factory.
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