sorry man thats just flat out not true. any idea what a 16hp diesel engine costs?
so far the cheapest I could find is about $1500 to $2000 for a used diesel generator and that's only 10hp. so your probably looking at $3000-$5000 and thats used.
brand new your looking at $3 grand for a NEW 10hp generator.
and the 1 in 1000 "hey I found one cheap" don't count :-)
I am not saying its not doable. just that its not "as easy" as people make it sound or you would see these driving all over the place.
I can buy a diesel "car" for less than these little diesel generators sell for :-) and I can't afford either :-)
diesel is a bit more common in europe so they have a bit more "access" to relatively affordable diesels that sell for 2 and 3 times as much here in the US.