As t vago pointed out, it can be tough sometimes to keep one's patience going.
Instead of outright saying "you're wrong", I might typically say "I'm not sure I agree with that last point", or something similar.
I had a poster respond to a comment I made about the Insight in particular and it goes something like this:
I said "when checking the mileage increase over a short duration of road, I found out that the Insight updates the screen data every 0.6 miles".
The responder wrote back "Wrong, you can push the FCD button on the screen to have it update immediately".
While his statement was true, my statement was still correct. What he could have said was, "In addition to waiting 0.6 miles for the dash to automatically update, you could also push the FCD button to have it update immediately".
His comment has still rubbed me slightly to this day, and it involved the immediate use of the word "wrong".
It's amazing what the affect of our wording has on others.