Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
I have an idea: This thread was started to protest against name-calling. Since it too has degraded to just that, then let's go all out and sacrifice it. If you want to call someone an idiot, communist, republican, two-timer, anarchist, democrat, demogog, burnt chicken neck, etc., then do it here and send a PM to whoever got named with a link to your post.
Apparently you still don't understand the difference between name-calling and categorizing someone with an accurate description of their behavior or ideology.
There's nothing wrong with calling someone a communist, or a republican, or an anarchist, or a democrat, or a demagogue - if that's what they ARE. That's not name calling. (If it walks like a duck, and it flies like a duck, and it quacks like a duck... it's a duck! Why should that be any problem - other than that some people are hypersensitive to being portrayed as what they are?
Name calling is resorting to calling names like idiot, a--hole, and we can use our imaginations to imagine other similar epithets, that convey no information and are only meant to insult.
Frankly, I don't think this board needs stricter moderation. I do think that anyone on a web list should get used to the idea of becoming a rhinoceros.
No, I'm not calling anyone a bad name -
I'm saying we need to grow thicker skins.