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Old 04-28-2012, 09:42 PM   #49 (permalink)
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It reminds me of my brother in law. He was always late for any engagement unless there was a show that started at hour X. After a few of those "just wait a while until they show up, from the wife" and that turned into 30-45 minutes, I stopped waiting. The next two times he shows up I am eating dessert. After that he shows up on time and has done so for over 21 years.

When "that's just the way he is" means tolerating arrogance, condescension, insolence, and personal attacks, or even simple lack of decency and respect, I just get to the point where I ask myself, what is the benefit to me?

There is none.

Why am I here?

I forgot.

Oh that's right I have this invention that I think some here might find interesting.

Oh yes there are some neat things I have learned here from many people of completely different backgrounds. My customers were NASA Engineers, Military Brass, and Home Boy Rednecks. Those who found my services to be of reasonable value became friends and patrons. I was just invited to attend the second retirement of one of those friend-patrons of my business, 12 years after I sold the shop. I found out he had Lou Gehrig's disease and I almost cried knowing how terrible a way to go that is. I still can not understand how that could happen to such a kind caring and decent person.

Our moto at my old shop was "Care, Courtesy and Common Sense". It was adopted by one of the most intelligent people I have ever had the privilege of knowing in my just over 61 years, a Doctor of Engineering in tTheoretical Aerodynamics. IQ off the charts but still a decent person of humility who had that rare capability to explain something to you without making you feel like you were a second class citizen.

I used that same philosophy to try to explain things to people when they had car problems, so they would understand what had happened and what needed to be done to fix the problem. They paid me to get a monkey off their backs, and I tried very hard to do it and to stay within the estimate.

Intelligence is earned, but many feel like it is limited to a small percentage of the population. I find it to be much more prevalent than some may believe, just in different categories, some of which are far different from any formal curriculum. I have learned from people who are functionally illiterate, and from the same PHD Engineer who got his degree at MIT.

When you choose to eliminate the potential to learn from any breathing person on this planet, you condemn yourself to perpetuation of ignorance.

I know who has the gift of explaning things so I can understand them, when I need that information, and to them I want to express my earnest appreciation for their gift of knowledge. I hope on occasion I can return the favor.

I don't need a moderator to tell me when I am being a jerk. They should never have to waste the time telling me what I already know.

Now after all this babbling I think I have related what Christ did in maybe 3 words.

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