These stories make me grateful for the sleepy corner of the province I live in. I haven't seen any driving worthy of a "me too" post for quite a while.
(Not counting a near-right-hook on my bicycle last fall.)
The city where I live was noted for being "safest" Ontario place to drive in 2011 by the Allstate insurance company. It's not uncommon for people to pull over and stop at the side of the road out of respect when a funeral procession is passing the other direction, or remain stopped at a fresh green light to let a procession get through an intersection unbroken.
(Should note that the average age here is about 75 though

Still can't beat Nova Scotians for courtesy (IMO).
But I avoid the interprovincial freeways generally, rarely drive at "rush hour" (such as it is), and that probably removes 90% of the red-mist "gotta get there NOW" potential ragers from my experience, automatically.
Not everyone can be so lucky, obviously.