Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
I've said this before Frank, the world is going to end on December 22nd 2012. That's the day I'm supposed to recieve my first Social Security check, and the Mayans predicted it 500 or so years ago.
Plus I read it on the Internet, so it has to be a fact.

The Mayan long count doesn't account for the leap year, which was introduced by Ceasar originally in 45BC.
Thus, the Dec 21 2012 should have happened 2057/4= 514 days ago, minus the 5 century years 1700, 1300, 900, 500, 100, on which there was no leap year. (Every 400 years on a century year, we skip the leap year. The next skip is 2100, 87 Januaries from now.)
So 509 days, or 1.4 years ago, should have been the 21Dec2012 referenced on the Mayan calendar.
Checkmate, doomsday theorists.