After hanging at the Woodward meet with friends just now I got $%#@ing pulled over for a bunch of stupid equipment violations. No mirror (legal in MN where it's registered), one headlight. Claimed I pulled out in front of a Jeep when we were both turning right. Didn't have the right insurance card with me (figures) and the registration is in a box behind my seat along with a box cutter, hunting knife, aerosol PB Blaster, bottle of brake fluid and a set of steel wrenches. Thank God he didn't ask me to get the title- he'd have been reading Miranda rights within a matter of seconds. I didn't get a ticket, as always. Pisses me off that this happens but I'm happy for the lack of tickets. They really cut into the gas budget

Title is now in the glove box lol.
The fixed headlight conversion will probably be the first mod I do when I get back to MN. To get the fuzz off my ass.