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Old 05-07-2012, 07:15 PM   #121 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bandit86 View Post
If you google octane booster it is 99% kerosene. Kerosene is similar to diesel. Octane booster calls for 1% to bring up octane rating b 3 points. I ran 30 percent in my discovery, the truck did not like it. At 10% or under it runs nicer, better, does not ping at all.
The science behind blending is quite complex, adding 1% kerosene (which is NOT diesel and NOT oil) is very different than pure Kero or 10% kero.

Much the same as the blending octane of ethanol and gasoline is very different than what would be expected.

The results of kerosene which can be spark ignited in most circumstances is very different from diesel as they are DIFFERENT regardless of what some seem to believe..

Another noteworthy point is some substances can have significant affects on flame front even in very small qtys, the other items in your 99% kero may be important.

Also some motors run better with a faster flame front but a slower vapor rate, which kero may provide in certain circumstances.

I know people who have made their own fuel from #5 plastic in a pyro, the mix actually burns well in some cars as is, this doesn't mean its octane is better or the fuel is superior, it just means it works in certain motors in certain temperatures. Even.

Octane is not a simple number there are many characteristics that get put together to tell us what octane.

In fact modern "gasoline" is made up of very signficant percentages of kerosene, diesel, heavies napathlene and other goodies that weren't in the old 1950's high test, fuel companies know that the blending science is complex and use it to their advantage to make concoctions that act like gasoline while being cheaper.

The trouble with what you are doing is that its hard to say what result you will get


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