How you approach stops is a decision you make. If you do it right, you can roll up to the point and stop exactly where you want, without braking. If you do have to brake, you're doing it wrong.
Idling at a red light? With a gauge you can see exactly how much fuel that consumes. With an efficient car like mine, every minute idling costs about 1.5 cents. A minute is about the average stop light cycle. If I have 10 lights on my commute, that's 10 minutes each way, or 20 round trip. That's 30 cents per day of fuel needlessly consumed. That's $1.5 per work week or $78 per year. A guzzler like an SUV will double or triple that.
If you're not seeing any difference, you're doing it wrong or measuring it wrong.
11-mile commute: 100 mpg - - - Tank: 90.2 mpg / 1191 miles