Originally Posted by jamesqf
The real problem, though, is not the (in)efficiency of generating hydrogen, or the problems with fuel cells. It's that hydrogen is difficult to store and transport.
I agree , that storage and transportation is a major barrier to hydrogen vehicles... a barrier that I don't see going away any time soon.
Pressurizing or liquifying it are common methods of trying to deal with the storage and transportation issues ... but they are not the only way ... there are other options for hydrogen as well ... even if ( for my 2 bits ) none of them really result in much better results in the end.
Comparatively I think the efficiency and cost effectiveness of transporting and storing electricity is very difficult to compete with ... everything has losses ... and costs ... but some things just have more losses and or cost more to do the same output of work.
Hydrogen vehicles are currently one of those less efficient and more costly things... and AFAIK look to be staying that way for many decades yet to come.