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Old 05-15-2012, 08:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Ice water pumping through AC Evap coil?

As I'm starting to plan out my build for my '98 Neon, I'm trying to figure out the most efficient ways to keep cool during the hot summers... (Idaho, stays a pretty constant 90+ all summer)

The only thing left installed is the evap coil system. Looking around my parts bin, I have a 12v water pump from when I used to water cool my computer... so it's a pretty strong pump. I'm thinking about simply putting a few barbed fittings on the evap coil, building an ice-water chamber (likely out of 4" ABS or PVC), then pump the iced water through. Hook the pump up to where the compressor clutch engage wires were, so it turns on just like the AC used to.

The ice container would have the pump at the very bottom and feed the water returned water back through the top to go through the ice. I'd put a drain on it towards the bottom to remove enough water to put fresh ice back in w/o making a mess.

The biggest idea behind this is that it would function similar to how the old AC system worked and wouldn't need any interior modifications, as well as having to take up any space inside with coolers or such the like. I'd just have to throw in ice before making a trip. Most of my trips are fairly short and I find myself having a lot of old, funky ice left over in my freezer anyways...

Attached is a "throw together" MS paint style diagram.

I realize that the system wouldn't keep it that cool for too long. I have pretty tinted windows on the car and will likely go beaded-seat covers, but just trying to come up with concepts to really keep cool, without too much drawback.

Let me know what you think.

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