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Old 05-21-2012, 04:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Bay Area Maker Faire 2012 (Warning! Pics!)

Went to the Bay Area Maker Faire this past Sunday. For those of you that don't know about the Maker Faire, Make: Magazine, or the Maker movement, check out Maker Faire - Maker Faire Bay Area 2012 May 19th & 20th, MAKE: technology on your time, and Maker subculture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I have a feeling a good number of the members on this forum would easily identify with the Maker concept.

One of the regular exhibits at the Maker Faire is the 'alternative vehicle' exhibit, which typically includes electric vehicles (commercial and homebuilt) and other interesting vehicles. This year, I had the pleasure and fortune to run into Jack McCornack with his MAX. Below are some of the pics I took (sadly did not have enough time to take pics of everything there!)

Jack and his MAX:


A gyroscopically stabilized electric motorcycle (story here: World)...


Working prototype:



Solar Racer:


The Molnari Gyrocycle (see Molnari):


(I apologize for some of the pics... I was using a cell phone and often had a hard time seeing if I even was getting the item in the frame since my screen was so washed out... so I (obviously) cut off parts or messed up the lighting in some cases)

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