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Old 05-22-2012, 01:50 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Helga - '00 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
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Mathilde - '99 Volkswagen Eurovan Camper
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Originally Posted by Kodak View Post
Aye, tortoise nailed it. Gallons per X miles (with x being something easy and divisible by 10, like 1,000)
I see... seems like both methods have their advantages and shortcomings... guess it depends on the viewpoint of the user of the measure.

With the focus on being fuel efficient in the past few years, the Average Joe Public would likely benefit from the GPM approach... they probably have a fixed commute in mind and therefore can more easily translate a GPM measure to daily / weekly / monthly fuel usage.

For my recent cross country trip, the MPG measure was quite handy... with a 16gal tank and an average of 60mpg, I could easily figure out that I could do 960miles between fillups which defined my overnight stopping points along the way.

Yes, of course it is possible to use either measure either way. And both measures are non-linear from one perspective or another...

As well (at least for me), I prefer the MPG measure for determining the effectiveness of aero (or other) mods ... improving from 60mpg to 70mpg is HUGE from the perspective of improving the efficiency of my vehicle ... Yes, I know it won't solve the world's fuel consumption problems, but it is definitely a victory in my book. And it sounds better than saying I improved from 1.67g/100mi to 1.43g/100mi ...
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