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Old 05-25-2012, 08:03 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by vrmilionzx View Post
Nice job!!!! Very impressive - and a good clean job on that frontend.

I wish I had fog I could drive through at enough speed (more than 3mph) to watch my wake.
thanks guys. I am not 100 % satisfied with the airdam yet. I think I will blend the edges where they meet with some silicon and stiffen the bottom edge with some aluminum angle. I am also planning on adding a splitter to the leading edge and continuing it back as a belly pan, 40 mpg here I come.
The weather conditions were perfect for the fog, 50°f sunny and it had just finished raining. The road is fantastic to, with a 1500' climb from Lolo to the top of Lolo passabout 45mi. The initial decent is a 6% grade with some nice sharp corners, then it flattens out into a curvy river valley for 85 miles or so. Turn onto highway 13. Then you pass through 3 little towns about 10 mi apart before climbing back out of the valley ending in Grangeville.
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