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Old 06-05-2012, 07:21 PM   #18 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Originally Posted by mcrews View Post
What most miss in this 'business venture' discussions is :
What does the potential buyer look like? (financially & econamicly)
What are they actually driving?
Do they have disposablr $$?

Simply, They are cheap, drive pos and have no money.

Now on to the product design......

cant use coroplast for your actual flimsy. have to have some preformed abs, like all the upscale cares already have.
That come off after 15-25k miles even under ideal conditions.
you'll need machinery to create the 'molds' and stamp out the product
You retail price would run $ 2-400
(if you dont understand 'retail pricing' I dont have 10hours to explain it)

Where are you going to advertise??????
not here, wrong demographics ......tooooo diy and cheap.

Bottom line, improving the nut behind the wheel is REQUIRED before most of this stuff really works. the placebo effect actually is working very sublety on our mods.

Ricers buy filters etc and then expect WHOOPPING results.....

most people buying a mod 'expect' it to work w/o any behavior change..... like diet pills
Thanks for being the first sensible person to engage this thread, I do appreciate the constructive reply.

I'm not business venturing anything. I started this thread to start a conversation on the idea, true, but I'm not in the mood to be an entrepreneur - just conversation. I really do think that certain shapes could be fairly common to many cars, enough to make a set of four or five panels of UHMWPE or some other stout material to fit "quarters" of an average car's underbelly with minor trimming, making the task less daunting to eco-minded apartment dwellers who may otherwise not ever get around to building their own election sign belly kit.

Anyway whatever, I figured this would be a fun conversational exercise, guess I was wrong, so hopefully a moderator deletes the thread. Or perforates it.
Work From Home mod has saved more fuel than everything else put together.
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