Originally Posted by Tango Charlie
Hi guys
I drive a 1988 Honda Accord. 5speed manual, 2L, Carburated.  I commute 45 miles round trip. I just started tracking my mpg two tanks ago. first one was 30.6. I slowed down with the second tank and saw 31.2. I know, amateur.
Not at all. It's those jumps in response to little changes that reward/motivate you to keep learning. Nice going.
I had an '89 Accord identical to yours for a bunch of years (8?). At that time I would have called myself a "mild" hypermiler. The only "hardcore" tactics I was using was shutting down the engine at stops and on long coasts (eg. coming off the highway). No, P&G. No hardcore "driving without brakes". In summertime highway driving (90-95 km/h), I regularly got 40 mpg US (5.9 L/100km, or 48 mpg IMP).
I rarely got below the EPA ratings in city or hwy. If you want, I'll see if I still have my old stats for the car's "lifetime" mileage.
the 35 page thread on the FrankenSwift. Where's my prize, Darin?
Uh oh.... Ummm.. the prize is your newfound knowledge!
Since I'm carburated, is the vacuum gauge my only option for instrumentation?
Yes - unless you can add a fuel-flow meter, in which case you'll be able to tie it in to the
MPGuino project fuel economy computer.
Another option - depending on how hardcore you want to get with feedback - is to super-finely calibrate your fuel tank sending unit with a digital multimeter, so you can at least get trip-level MPG (after the fact). krousdb did this with one of his Hondas.