Originally Posted by mcamphr
Thanks - the last tank came in at 46.5 trying to average about 61mph on my commute. I looked on ebay and there is an ELM 327 for about 20.00 and on Google Play an app to connect via bluetooth that will track mpg thru the OBD II - I will probably go that route next although I might experiment with the lawn edging air dam as well.
Those are nice numbers, but it seems to me you should be able to do better than that at 61mph in an HX. Some guys say aeromods help them keep teir lean burn civics in lean burn mode. So do the grill block, tire spats, undertray. Do the lawn edging thing, trim the 4" to 3" or so and you'll touch few road surfaces and parking blocks, if your area is like mine. cheers! Also, for about $70 you can get an Ultra Gauge and get the data from the OBD2 computer this app will give you plus about 30 or 40 other readouts. Buy the Ultra Gauge (it's almost as good as a diagnostic scanner).
Good luck, post your results.