Originally Posted by dissimilation
it got me thinking on exactly how much gas my car burns when sitting idle.
My car's engine burns 0.5 litres per hour, fully warmed up @ idle, according to the ScanGauge. That's for a 1.0 L, 3-cyl.
You could extrapolate an
estimate for your engine from those figures - though it doesn't scale exactly with displacement & number of cylinders. But it'll get you in the ballpark until a Honda person speaks up.
That said - a question about your technique (to clarify what we're talking about)...
If you're talking about turning the engine OFF where you were previously left it ON while not under load (such as idling while coasting with the clutch in, or the tranny in neutral down an off ramp, for example), that's probably not quite the same thing as pulse & glide.
I'd call that engine-off coasting (EOC).
EOC will save you fuel for sure, but not to the same extent as P&G.