So, all i have done now is that i changed low beams (2x55W) into LEDs (2x7W).
that's 96W less. It saves about 0,3l-0,4l/100km
Blower at full power consumes about 0,4l/100km, and 0,1l/100km at stage one.
Well, according to the headlights, i would say that the blower uses around 100W too, so every 100W would consume around 0,3-0,4l/100km.
But to the point. How linearily(linearry?) this power to litre would go? Any thoughts, charts?
But then, some article says that deleting the alternator would save gas around 10%, so in my case, 0,7l/100km. So that's around 250W. Does'nt fit in the picture.
What major things consume power? Please add if i missed something:
-battery charging
-external lights
-radio and metering
-radiator fan
-internal blower(or A.C)
I'm gonna test things at some point, once i have time