06-28-2012, 10:33 AM
#1 (permalink)
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If i would decrease electric load...
So, all i have done now is that i changed low beams (2x55W) into LEDs (2x7W).
that's 96W less. It saves about 0,3l-0,4l/100km
Blower at full power consumes about 0,4l/100km, and 0,1l/100km at stage one.
Well, according to the headlights, i would say that the blower uses around 100W too, so every 100W would consume around 0,3-0,4l/100km.
But to the point. How linearily(linearry?) this power to litre would go? Any thoughts, charts?
But then, some article says that deleting the alternator would save gas around 10%, so in my case, 0,7l/100km. So that's around 250W. Does'nt fit in the picture.
What major things consume power? Please add if i missed something:
-battery charging
-external lights
-radio and metering
-radiator fan
-internal blower(or A.C)
I'm gonna test things at some point, once i have time 
Last edited by Quezacotl; 06-28-2012 at 10:52 AM..
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06-29-2012, 02:55 AM
#2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Quezacotl
But then, some article says that deleting the alternator would save gas around 10%, so in my case, 0,7l/100km. So that's around 250W. Does'nt fit in the picture.
I think that deleting the alternator saves gas because you are eliminating its parasitic drag on your serpentine belt. That is to say, the electric load is not what you're deleting, just the resistance of an extra pulley, and that equates to fuel savings.
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06-29-2012, 04:10 AM
#3 (permalink)
Scandinavian creature
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Yea, i forgot the alternator efficiency. Maybe 50%? So then it would be like 500W.
But well, i will test things.
By the way, yesterday i managed to increase my mileage(kilometerage?  ), in town to same consumption as in highway. Personal record.
And same day the missionary cap got broken and had to tow the car to home  See if i can fix it today.
These two things are not related to eachother though 
06-29-2012, 01:44 PM
#4 (permalink)
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I would be interested to see pictures of the difference in lighting w/ the led.
Frankly the .005% gain in mileage verses the loss of visability at night is not worth the trade off.
06-29-2012, 03:28 PM
#5 (permalink)
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I have fog lights and extra high beams, so i can see in the dark  And after the summer, i will reconsider the low beam lightings
I'll maybe install "Angel eyes" or whatever are those LED-rings, with the proper low beams in the future.
06-30-2012, 02:15 AM
#6 (permalink)
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Q, I think what you have in mind are LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL). Buy an aftermarket set, install, and wire them so you don't need the headlights when it's not dark.
Among the electrical loads in a car is the ECU, which in newer cars can use as much as 100-200W, and there is no way to get rid of it  Though your '94 Golf might not be that computerized, or its ECU may be simple and small wattage.
Oh, and don't forget the injectors and/or spark plugs, plus fuel pumps, etc. No getting rid of those either.
Translating electrical load to fuel consumption isn't easy as it depends on many things. It will change from car to car since different engines have different efficiency. Also, each engine's efficiency changes depending on rpm and load. Electrical load is less efficient at idle than at 2000rpm and 80% load.
What you can do once you reduce your electrical load is to have a switch to disable your alternator's field, meaning it won't charge the battery. You can power it up when you need to recharge, though doing that at home with a charger is better. Or you can turn the field on when engine braking, since then the charging is free. Check out this thread for more info. Replace the battery with a larger one, maybe even deepcycle.
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07-02-2012, 04:19 AM
#7 (permalink)
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Hmm.. Yea, i could do that alternator cut-off thing. I'm not sure, but my old crash-damaged Honda might have a deep-cycle battery[EDIT: It does'nt], atleast it looked like when i yesterday removed it(for helping battery for my VW starting problems)
As soon as i get my Golf repaired, i think i'll do these:
-Replace bulps with LEDs as much as i can/is worth
-alternator switch
-automatic EOC
I've been thinking that with my new P&G drivestyle plus EOC and those other things, i can get efficiency to maybe 4-5l/100km. And i would be happy if it gets even to 5 
Last edited by Quezacotl; 07-02-2012 at 05:40 PM..
07-23-2012, 05:59 PM
#8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Quezacotl
As soon as i get my Golf repaired, i think i'll do these:
-Replace bulps with LEDs as much as i can/is worth
I would warn from excessive LED use instead of bulbs. Interier is fine, but brake light domes, rear lights domes and turn indicator light domes are designed for bulbs with respect to direction, intensity and colour of light. LEDs usually emit light only in narrov beam, not 180 degrees like regular bulb. If you retrofit bulb in your light with LEDs, you can easily make your signals invisible (at least from certain angles).
07-23-2012, 06:56 PM
#9 (permalink)
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It would be good to see a comparative photo of the LED's next to a standard low beam head light.
I know my low beams are on the weak side of the scale.
Have been contemplating this idea for my car.
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07-24-2012, 10:38 AM
#10 (permalink)
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Yay, today i finally got my car to work  It had several problems. The coil was broken, intake air temp. sensor was broken and some wiring and relays were broken
Yea, i was thinking of testing the LEDs visibility too when i install them. I was thinking of making some lights with LED stripes, rows of LED stripe or something
This will move to some future, since i have so little time 