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Old 07-08-2012, 01:25 AM   #23 (permalink)
t vago
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You can call your electric utility, and get them to install a smart meter for you.

I don't have numbers for the amount of plants being built, so I can't really address that "concern." However, I do know that there were two states where the power company was just going to mass convert all of the existing stupid meters to smart meters. Customers would see an extra $5/month or so charge on their electric bill. The attorney general of CT (one of the states) went ahead and told the electric company to back off and do a more incremental approach.

In Italy, where I lived for 3.5 years, they do have 100% smart meters. However, they also have really expensive electric rates. The smart meters there can do all sorts of wondrous things, like change the billing plan per customer, and auto-shut off from the central station. I'd just love it if, God forbid, there were a glitch in my paying the monthly bill, and the electric company decided to just shut off my power while the glitch was being worked out.

I say again - y'all can keep these smart meters. I'll stick with my stupid meter.
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