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Old 07-10-2012, 12:01 AM   #30 (permalink)
Learning Aeromodding
myrefugeisintheLord's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Spokane, WA.
Posts: 199

Metro - '93 Geo Metro 4 door hatchback
90 day: 35.26 mpg (US)
Thanks: 59
Thanked 45 Times in 32 Posts
*Sigh* So, after thinking about all of the things I ACTUALLY NEED in the RAV, I decided to reduce some weight. Probably about 20 lbs!

~ Back seats are out again.
~ Rubber mat and carpet padding that extended from the front seats back, has been replaced with the factory carpet. Which is actually very light.
~ A lot of tools and survival equipment gone. Come on, what's the likely hood of needing to "survive" when you have a cell phone, spare tire & jack, and a well maintained vehicle??? Lol, I guess I read too many adventure stories growing up!!
~ back seat handles above the doors.
~ Fuel tank guards. I needed them out of the way to attach angle bars to attach a belly pan. Probably an even trade of weight there.

So, RAVadoodle is more stock then she was, in a sense. Lol, and it sounds like I'm in a tin can now too! Oh well, it's worth getting that extra .00? MPG!
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