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Old 07-11-2012, 03:31 PM   #153 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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In Finland, company must pay more than twice the amount of worker's paycheck, there is paycheck and there is much more than paycheck worth of taxes and other payments to cover pension etc.

Then companies still pay taxes on top of that.

Almost all taxes go to budget and whole pot is then divided to different things, everyone pays from everything, so each pay less from one thing but there are more things to cover.

From my understanding system is somewhat different from what is in US, but it's really long time since I studied US economy and tax system, anyway it was part of public schooling which also is paid by those taxes and payments.

I honestly can't say if this system is good, but I can say that anything made in here contains lot more than just union costs.

How many persons is that 4000 per car divided to?

Bailouts are bit problematic always, but what is alternative, stock market crash? There probably is no good solutions there either.

Corvette is best selling high performance sport car, right? Even it is low demand, I believe it is very profitable model.

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