My hat is off to you, sir! This is an AMAZING thread you started and documented.
I came across this forum/thread because a client of mine has a 2000 Insight with, what he claims, is a dead battery pack and the 12v battery is dead too. His wife is telling him to sell the car and I am seriously interested in buying it but we haven't talked price. He says the blue book on it is about $6500 in working condition. When I saw you bought one with the "bad" battery pack - I would like to know what you paid for it. If you don't feel like posting it, I'd still like to hear it in a PM. His car needs a brake job as well so I'm thinking of offering him $3000 for it. The car has 73k on it.
BTW - I "hate" you for "wasting" my afternoon reading this whole thread as well as various links here.

Seriously, Thank You, and the others, for a great and informative thread.