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Old 07-11-2012, 09:09 PM   #158 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by slowmover View Post
Why you can't buy a high mpg car isn't solved, personally by indulging in such. Western society, hell, . . the planet is faced with problems which aren't going to be solved politically. There isn't a stalemate in Washington, there is profound and complete agreement as to how things will work until a bitter end. The rest is just theater, entertainment, to rabble rouse, to get-out-the-vote.

That is one thing we can agree on, there is only one party and one choice, the party of money, believing there are significant differences between the parties anymore is rather silly.

The only differences are the ones they allow to be visible and are on issues and involving groups they have little affinity for and thus no real stake, beyond face.

That said the issue of high MPG cars can be solved pollitically, just as soon as more money is thrown in from one large interest that exceeds the amount thrown in by another large interest you can and will see the Reagan era gray market laws CHANGE but they will change to support the large interest that forked in the money and not go away, just change to suite that interest. In the case of GM that may mean a less difficult method of getting specific domestic cars in from europe, although it would likely still be hard.

Unless of coarse enough people get bloody angry, our government still responds a little bit to fear, hence why we have the patriot act to protect the elect from backlash.
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