I've had a couple rough days.
I'm about half way through my current tank and I think it's at about 52-53 mpg, not pushing close to 56 like I usually am these days.
Once this week I had to run the a/c some due to the heat.
Then, and this is potentially much worse, this morning my 40 AH lithium [LiFePO4] deep cycle battery would not maintain needed voltage while driving. I charged it up at work and then on the trip home, after about 25 miles or so the voltage dropped to about 10V. I've never had it that low, even driving three hours. I'm attempting another recharge on an alternate but I'm not sure what's up here. I sure hope this battery hasn't given up the ghost. It's what powers nearly all my electrical, with the alternator deleted due to disconnected.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.