Originally Posted by euromodder
Do they extend down , or just sideways ?
Sideskirts that extend down do help in keeping more air under the car - rather than having it spill out sideways between the wheels - guiding it into the wake. They also reduce the turbulence aft of the front wheels.
Obviously they work best with a belly pan in place.
Searching a few pages into google, an individual mentioned that they were informed it assist, but I do not know how credible it is, the dealer might have been full of b s. They look like they drop down about an inch, and would work to smooth the air from hitting the rear tire, and keeping it from underneath the vehicle.
I have read that if one was directly above them, they do not actually come out from the side of the vehicle, it just appears that way from the side.
From my research, it seems like there IS a benefit, but the benefit might be measured by .01 USD per tank of fuel lol