Originally Posted by Brad9660
Not that long ago on my way home from work late one night I coasted down a big hill on the highway, and was going to coast up to the gas station. There where no other cars on the road and this person tailgated me down to 25 mph. I really can't make sense of it. Since I always drive within 5 mph of the posted speed limit, use to drive slower but quit for safety, I don't feel I am doing anything wrong.
This is a situation I've found myself in, but as the "tailgater".
My commute drops about 2000ft going to work, so I do a lot of EOC and often build excess speed in some spots.
If I come up behind someone, I pass if it's practical.
If I know that I'm about to lose speed on the approaching rise, I follow at the speed of my "leader", rather than get in his way.
If he slows down further, I do too, because I'm still in EOC. I can't know how far he's going to slow down until it happens and I've been "stuck" behind someone turning without signaling before.