Originally Posted by zoltanbod
Just so you know the Zoleco project will first be offering the car in kit form as the development of a DOT street turn key car will require a much larger funding base.The project is still in search of business partners to complete the prototype.
It needs massive exposure to find the correct people to partner with,that said I have entered the car in the Royal Purple show your ride at SEMA contest,it is open to internet voters to pick the 10 most popular cars from the 52 entered so that the judges can then pick the 2 finalists to be shown @ SEMA...If the people on ecomodder who believe in my project could assist me with some votes it would be a great help!
Here is the link to the entries,just scroll down to your pick and click to votehttp://apps.facebook.com/contestshq/contests/242479/voteable_entries
I went to the site and voted!
I really like what you are doing, some things from a marketing stand-point though I think could be better? Just being a critic...
I think that you're really onto something with the size/shape combo that you are building...large enough for 4 men is really nice yet still focusing heavily on areo.