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Old 07-29-2012, 12:40 AM   #8 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: ny
Posts: 14

Fresh Powder - '12 Nissan Versa S
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I actually did notice that AC didn't seem to do much, if anything. I was on a flat road and I would leave the throttle constant and get a constant reading on MPG. Then I would flick the AC on and off for couple minute intervals and look for a noticeable difference. Though that's not scientifically sound, I couldn't really find one. I think the compressors may have gotten more efficient in the recent past. The AC doesn't really crank out a blast of cold air instantly but it can get the car ice cold given the time. I think they used a less powerful unit which is actually nice because I'm assuming it means weight savings. Nice to hear that I don't need to buy a beaded seat and sit with the windows up sweating off my nads to get good mileage ha. I will take your tips to heart on driving, I am just too conscious of the people behind me who think I'm slowing them down and are in a big hurry to nowhere in traffic...

I want to get the mpg fairly well optimized soon though because I figure I have 10+ years to recoup any costs and I have a feeling gas is going up in a major way soon, on top of all the everpresent geopolitical and ecological reasons. I guess that's a topic for a different thread though. I think soon we might be paying prices here in the states that are more what Euromodder is used to on the other side of the pond.
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