Originally Posted by Bdorion1
Anyways the average is down to about 45mpg now. A long trip with traffic and AC and I was probably only averaging low 30's during it.
It's all down to technique
My mileage used to drop like a brick in stop and go, or slow moving highway traffic.
Changing my driving style in these conditions, means my mileage now stays about the same, sometimes it even improves :
low speed = low fuel consumption
I now pulse briefly; then coast in neutral (engine on) in heavy traffic
Try to keep rolling, and leave some distance in front of you to make that happen.
Avoid 1st gear if possible.
With a warm engine, running it in 3rd or 4th at idle returns good fuel economy (as long as the road isn't climbing) at low steady speed.
YMMV though.
After finally having a car with AC I'm going to abuse it for the time being.
I can only tell it's on during the cool down phase.
Once the AC has cooled down the interior and only needs to keep it there, the extra fuel use is minimal.
I've been getting the same indicated mileage with AC on this week as I have been getting without AC in the morning - the difference was down to 0.1 L/100km, which is the smallest difference the computer can show.
Given my indicated fuel use, we're talking about 2.5 to 3%.
AC-use on my car is completely buried in the tank-to-tank fluctuations in fuel consumption.