Air up the tires and DO NOT IDLE IT even to "warm it up". Don't exceed 55mph or even 50mph if it doesn't cause a mutiny.
I think you guys might be missing the big picture here- one of the biggest things dragging fe down is that generator (it's using the same fuel as the drive engine right? What is fe on trips with 0 generator usage?); if you can get away with it, don't use it. Call ahead, know where you're going, and pull into places that have electric hookups. I believe the figure for the cost of generator electricity vs wall outlet electricity is 5x more!
I wouldn't be ripping apart a new big dollar rig and pumping even more money in it. I would consider deleting the lumps and bumps off the roof, though, if they were expendable.
Last edited by Frank Lee; 08-11-2012 at 12:13 AM..