Originally Posted by niky
One could argue that Agriculture created the need for warfare...
Someone could argue just about anything about just about any topic.
'need' only goes back to the previous posts ... thing A is only needed to get or avoid thing B under conditions C ... I don't see what conditions result in thing B ( warfare in this case ) being 'needed' from thing A ( Agriculture in this case).
Weather or not some side effect aspect of agriculture could potentially contribute to warfare ... agriculture was not needed for warfare ... and warfare was not needed for agriculture.
Weather or not agriculture contributed to anything else ( warfare or other things ) ... does not alter that agriculture itself was a MAJOR Innovation.
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Originally Posted by IamIan
Agriculture ( Conservation ) ... what military non-conservation innovation was 'bigger' than agriculture?
The military & political organization that allowed warlike peoples to conquer others and force them to labor in their fields. Most pre-industrial revolution civilizations (if not all of them) ran large parts of their agriculture with slaves & serfs.
I think Agriculture was and is a bigger innovation than the warlike people's who enslave others innovation you refer to.
How far would the innovation you refer to have gotten without Agriculture as a base under it? ... a small band of hunter gather warlike people conquering and enslaving others ... such 'organization' would have greatly struggled to get larger than a hundred people ... compared to billions today thanks to agriculture.
Your right to reefer to pre-industrial revolution civilizations ... because it dates the value of that referenced Innovation ... Modern Agriculture is an innovation still making a massive impact ... While the innovation you refer to has become antiquated and well on its way to being obsolete.
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But that all having been said... even if you do think it is 'bigger' than agriculture.
Your proposed innovation does not meet the criteria listed:
The warlike people who enslave others do it to conserve their own time and energy ... having the slaves do work for them, so they don't have to do it themselves ... you just listed another conservation innovation ... and as such it is not a non-conservation innovation ... which was the criteria.
Thus another example of efforts for conservation leading to an innovation.