Thread: hello all
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Old 06-07-2008, 04:11 AM   #4 (permalink)
hypermiling newbie
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unfortunately im stuck w/ the 2.8 in the A4...... not many options to mod and upgrade the exhaust and ecu for that engine... kinda the red headed stepchild... if anything happens to it i will be upgrading to the 2.7 S4 motor..6-spd... worlds worth of options w/ minimal loss in efficiency.

the d15a6 was the CRX HF engine here in the USA... i wish i had my first crx back... it was an 84 that had an 88hf tranny/engine swap. i traded my montecarlo even up for it ... with absolutely no mods other that the swap... best tank was 68mpg! all hwy. most of the time it avg 55-60 hwy and 45+ city. but sadly it had oil issues that wouldnt be noticed till the cam sheared in half...even w/ only 50ish HP.. that car was a rocket.

if-n-when i get the 88 crx working the way i want, im hoping to get two tanks of gas for every oil change...... before any hybrid modding (dreams of course)
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