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Old 08-27-2012, 05:16 PM   #11 (permalink)
Weather Spotter
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Max - '14 Ford C-Max SEL
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I just take it slow and simile at those who bug me, it keeps me on focus and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, new in town, not feeling well, late for work, etc. I avoid taking their stress and making it mine.

those idiots who try the brake check trick/ scam skip me as I have extra crumple room and everyone knows I go slowly and am alert when driving. I also have zero traffic citations so if there was an incident who is the cop going to believe? Someone who has 4 rear ends in the last year or the driver with zero issues?

A big NRA sticker has the same results as the gun rack, crooks know who is likely to have a gun on them and therefor who is not an easy target.

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