Thread: 04 Honda Accord
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Old 09-03-2012, 03:24 PM   #13 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Illinois
Posts: 29

Second time's the charm - '04 Honda Accord EX
90 day: 24.26 mpg (US)

Tengu - '11 Mazda Mazdaspeed 3 sport
90 day: 19.73 mpg (US)
Thanks: 5
Thanked 4 Times in 1 Post

I'm always told to talk about the reliability of my data, but the list goes on and on. You know the deal, was the road actually smooth? You take temp., wind speeds, landscape, and all that jazz into consideration. On top of recording measures. The scangauge has only been calibrated on one tank so far so it could still be overestimating or underestimating. This was sort of an impromptu test to get me sort of used to some of the methods involved in doing tests for fuel economies.

A little scary doing the 80 mph run (during late night out in the corn of Illinois) especially considering my friend had to have complete trust in me as he watched the scangauge and was taking down times and other data for me. I did get to use cruise control for once (ha). An actual reason for me to even use cruise control. The stretch of road was approx. .8 miles and we would do runs down and back the stretch so the total distance was about 1.6. I have some other data he took down. I need to give props to my friend as he's the mathematician, there's no way I would've known which formulas to use plus there's no way I would've done this on my own too. Also need to give thanks where thanks is due because he also got me into hypermiling and I'm a fan of saving money when I'm putting myself through college.
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