This is why we are smarter as a group, than the sum of our parts

I agree, anything with the name "Enterprise", even a whole phrase like "an enterprising person" does conjure images of Cpt. James T. Kirk chasing green women( thank you pop culture). Maybe "Experimental" class? I'm trying to think of an easily recognizable name that refers to non-modified/purpose built vehicles( not inferring that any of them are interested, mind you). Peoples names/handles would be a good idea for classes, Basjoos/Hucho/Jaray...
I still like the MPG Militia theme. State/City state/Country Squadrons could denote general areas, but I'm not sure how that might go over in some other areas that have,, shall we say, slightly stricter governing bodies?.
Commando could be unassociated/unmodified, just a supporter.
I wonder when I'll get an unexpected visit. Remember, you're not paranoid if the really out to get you