I sincerely mean this with only positive intentions. Really, please take my words for meaning without any negative tone, only constructive feedback.
Mt, I appreciate your view point, and your input. But it seems common amongst most people that they don't like being told things. You are clearly smart, and clearly have a good idea at what you are talking about. But this is a community that is constructive and helpful, and wants more along the lines of positive. No one likes being "taught" something. As in, they are dumb, and don't know- no matter the positive ideas behind it.
No matter how much worldy experience one has, wisdom, age, so on, it is offensive when someone new comes in and switches the game up. Credibility is earned. You do seem credible, but this is just a chat. We have no real designs, tests, or anything like that. So in a peer discussion, someone teaching can appear arrogant.
Comments like quit trying to argue usually don't help arguments. We are not here to be taught by you. I loved this thread, because it showed me a deeper aspect to my next project I had not fathomed. But certain words can give off more of a dominant, controlling, arrogant feel to it.
Honestly, I totally agree with Mcrews. But, I find your information interesting, and enjoy examining it. I hope you do continue to post, block out haters, so on and so forth, but do please note that in a form of communication that SOLELY uses words, letters, punctuation, and text editing, the specific wording, letters, so on, can have a deeper meaning than it appears.
On a less conflict resoluting note, just shooting the poop, I thought this whole thread started out very rude and arrogant. Although I have not been here long, it seemed like an insult to the current underbody designs. NOT that you meant this, but it was like the designs were a failure and worthless. I was offended. But as the thread continued, it became clear (to me) you have positive intentions, and are just expressing an idea to optimize our systems. Also, please note we are for the most part using election signs and doing home builds, no fancy equipment or tools, just elbow grease and ingeniuity.