Originally Posted by Otto
As for group-think, keep in mind that most schooling and professional credentials are essentially conformity badges, i.e., one gets to be an automotive engineer by proving in years of school that one can do it the way it's always been done, with not necessarily much thought to how it might better be done.
I agree partially to your point. However I know from first hand experience that Texas A&M Aerospace engineering degree has a senior yr project for one of it's required classes that has the students design a 'craft' not currently in use.
In 1972 my old brother and 2 others designed a re-useable spacecraft that would be permanently parked in space to be used between to orbiting space craft. kind of a space utility van. The projects were submitted and graded then shipped off to NASA.
I am pretty sure that is the level of mastery required for most true engineering programs.
I do agree thuogh that inbreeding does take place at most levels.