Originally Posted by Shawn D.
If the west did not oppose the Soviets during the cold war, we would be communist. Do you think we'd even be able to be on such a board as this and/or be able to have this discussion if this were a communist country?
so where did you get the "we would be communist" thing? i have never heard that before, and yes if we would have been communist it would be possible that we would have the internet today and free discussion, my friend from russia says she used it all the time before moving here, in fact that is how she met her current husband, and guess what? they are moving back to post communist russia. I know there was a great deal of corruption in the Russian government, but there is a difference between an economic system and how the government is ran.
and yes i will agree with you that countries which where highly corrupted like the soviet union have had a terrible impact on the environment, but that can happen anywhere, seriously we havent been the greatest on the environment either, for instance the US navy dumps rags full of oil into the ocean as soon as they are 50 miles from shore, i know that cant be good for the ocean. how do i know this, my wife was an engineer in the navy and her superiors required it.
my point is, you cant say that because they where communist they embodied all that was bad, we just tend be brainwashed into only seeing the bad, its not that hard to look at the US and find many faults involving pollution, government corruption, money laundering, or poverty.
im not trying to bully you about the whole communist thing but we are far from saints ourselves.