Originally Posted by JacobAziza
When we removed PS from her matrix, I just bought a shorter serpentine belt, and rerouted it to skip the PS (and AC).
I drew out the belt diagram you posted above, and figured out a path that would turn everything the correct way while skipping the unnecessary stuff, then measured it with a piece of string and told the parts store the length of the belt I wanted in mm.
It took 3 trys to get the right length, and getting the belt on was a little bit challenging, but it gone on just fine in the end.
I've went the same way with Berta. When I've removed AC (it was driven by additional belt), and PC pump (to save weight) I just took the measurement of the serpentine belt I would need to drive the rest of the pulleys and bought one with the correct lenght.
3 - PS pump - removed
green line - new serpentine belt route