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Old 09-21-2012, 06:13 PM   #1289 (permalink)
Mustang Dave
Intermediate EcoDriver
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Northern Arizona - It's a DRY cold..
Posts: 671

Trigger - '07 Ford Mustang V6 Premium Coupe
Team Mustang
Sports Cars
90 day: 32.76 mpg (US)

Big Red (retired) - '89 Ford F-250 4wd Custom
90 day: 18.13 mpg (US)

Big Red II - '13 Ford F-150 FX4
90 day: 19.61 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by Sporty Modder View Post
When you walk past somebody sitting in a running car and think to yourself "what a waste of gas".
I see that at work with alarming regularity. People eat lunch in their vehicles and run the engine for AC in the Summer; heat in the Winter. I'd bet that none of them keep a fuel log; and that most of them complain about the price of fuel.

I eat lunch at my desk, and then go for a 1.25 mile walk around 4 of our buildings to finish my lunch hour, so I see a lot of vehicles in the parking lots.

I was shocked one day when I saw a lady eating lunch in her Honda Accord V-6 coupe with the driver's side window open and the engine OFF. I briefly considered asking her, "What? You're not wasting gas to run the air conditioning like everyone else does?"
Fuel economy is nice, but sometimes I just gotta put the spurs to my pony!

Originally Posted by thatguitarguy View Post
Just 'cuz you can't do it, don't mean it can't be done...
Originally Posted by elhigh View Post
The presence of traffic is the single most complicating factor of hypermiling. I know what I'm going to do, it's contending with whatever the hell all these other people are going to do that makes things hard.
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