Originally Posted by ecomodded
It has been tested to death in all honesty.
You may be reluctant to search the unicorn corral but that is where you can find some trustworthy information from ecomodders who can and do test objectively.
Just saying its already been put to the test and it failed with flying colors , so i am amiss at your attempt at making acetone a worthy test subject, perhaps you do not realize it has been proven bunk, well it has and it is.
You mistake my question for advocacy. I merely ask the question, because written reports indicate it was efficient at certain concentrations (2% to 5%) after which it was counter productive. And it was reported that it was only efficient in older vehicles, not in newer vehicles. If it has been tested and reported on this website, I will eventually get around to reading them.
As someone here has pointed out, a tester could bias the results either way by subconsciously (or consciously) running a heavy or light foot on the accelerator. Until it is properly tested in a controlled engine on a dynamometer, the issue should be left open.
Try not to get so emotionally involved in the issue.