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Old 10-03-2012, 11:09 AM   #54 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Civic CX/HX - '97 Honda Civic CX/HX
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Originally Posted by seeodywhy View Post
I didn't read all the posts, sorry. How are you monitoring lean burn? I've done the same swap and am curious.
No problem. I will probably try to consolidate the first post after my trip today to have the bulk of the info in the first thread to make it easier on people.

For monitoring I run a ScanGauge 2 and an MPGuino

The ScanGuage 2 is manily used for holding lean burn entry conditions, detection to know when I enter lean burn, and key perameters to continue being in lean burn. I have a X guage programed to show when the car is in lean burn and when it is not. When it reads 0, and I am not in DFCO, it is in lean burn mode.
I also display LOD (engine load), TPS (throttle position sensor), and RPM. These 3 of the peramiters help me achieve the ideal conditions to enter and maintain lean burn. For entry it takes me LOD less than 70, TPS below 20, and RPMs 2300 to 2599. To maintain lean burn I need LOD to be less than 90, TPS below 30, and RPMs higher than 2000. (sometimes higher RPM is needed to stay in lean burn if my speed is lower or LOD is high.)

The MPGuino I use to monitor instant and trip/tank mpg. It uses injector and speed feeds to properly calculate mpg, even lean burn. So more or less, the MPGuino is a great tool to monitor the MPG effects of lean burn.

Originally Posted by seeodywhy View Post
I stayed with an hx tranny because of the rpm's at which lean burn is active. I would be going way to fast with a vx tranny because lean burn doesn't activate till around 2300 rpm. Plus I live in the city.
I don't think i would find myself using lean burn at lower speeds even with the HX trans. There is too much benifit for pulse and glide and DFCO at slow speeds. But you might be right about the lower shift point. With the VX I honestly dont find myself going over 2k RPMs ever unless I am on the highway and entering lean burn.
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