Originally Posted by Duffman
Totalitarianism does not mean communism. Some of the worst states in our history have embraced capitalist ideals (Nazi Germany, Pinochet’s Chile and Saddam’s Iraq).
What I said was that communist regimes have always been totalitarian, not that totalitarian regimes have always been communist. Perhaps I could have worded it better, though.
Nazi Germany did not embrace capitalist ideals. "Nazi" is short for "Nationalsozialismus," or "National Socialism." As described in the
Wikipedia entry, "Among the key elements of Nazism were... collectivism... opposition to economic liberalism..."
Originally Posted by Duffman
The USSR ultimately failed because it used a command economy that had massive corruption, not because they were a bunch of inbred hillbillies that couldn’t add 2+2 together.
Well, I must admit I'm unfamiliar with the "inbred hillbilly" theory of the Soviet Union!