GEET works
I have nothing to sign you up for. You will have to sign yourself up and do the work yourself. I recommend you work on small engines first. I did 32cc, 6HP, 3.5HP, 6.5HP and 14.5HP engines before working on a vehicle. The 32cc and 6HP motors got destroyed. Don't do two-stroke unless it has an oil pump as the oil in the petrol get's converted to GEET gas and there's no more oil to lubricate the engine. Also you have to control the RPMs as the 6HP engine ran away and went so fast that it seized and the head cracked.
It's been four years of research and development for me. At first it was confusing and several times I called foul that is was bogus, but people who did it convinced me to keep trying. Now it is easy for me to make it work. You need to trick the computer of a newer car so it doesn't increase fuel when it sees lots of oxygen in the exhaust.
We ran a 14.5HP art car at Burning Man on petrol, whiskey, white gas and urine. It ran a lot better with the urine in the mix.
Good luck.