Originally Posted by HydroJim
I don't get pleasure from people's hardships by any means. That's definitely not what I was getting at. Most of these problems are only a problem because of the people themselves. I go to school with many kids who drive trucks that get 15 MPG and SUV's that get 20. They drive like typical teenagers, and then they complain that most of their paychecks go to gas. Their logic is completely backwards.
I worked with a truck guy for a while. got him to track his mileage. then did the math for him, he parked the truck, got a 1000 dollar economy car and has not looked back. He is not the first nor the last person to see the light.
A little good hearted ribbing about the monetary aspects (environmental aspects just get tuned out and dismissed) coupled with some information goes a long way.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.