Cold diesels do sound "rough" though which makes us think we are hurting them

in some way, even the ultra modern CR ones. Also the mounts are cold and less supple meaning you get more vibration.
I tend to just drive as soon as the red oil light is out to get the temps up asap. The Prius does this but (as stated earlier) this is to get the cat up to temp and not the coolant - the Prius could do with a much smaller radiator opening IMHO, it looks like a basking shark.
Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
I never used EO(ff)C much in the Fabia due to this issue - I really didn't want to spend money on the Turbo which had already been replaced by the DPO. Plus the turbo needs really nice oil otherwise the VNT bits start to clog up - usually easily freed with a prod somewhere. Thinking further though I think the others are right - a quick pulse, even a really fierce one - wouldn't be enough to raise the oil temp enough to cause heat soak unlike a fast trip with a quick shut-off.
Being able to shut off whenever was one of the reasons to swap to Petrol. And also the radiator blocks, which I am about to go outside and refit now that George has had his "pre-winter" service - to keep the warranty alive.