Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
There were other options which could also have good results in matter of fuel-efficiency/environmental performance (namely light Diesels), but EPA goes deliberately against them. Sure, there are some cultural barriers, but are not so hard to overcome...
It frustrates me that CARB has such an influence on the auto industry, in particular with respect to light diesel. I have been holding my breath for ages for a company to release a reliable, small to midsize sedan with a turbo diesel engine (VW does not meet my reliability criteria).
My dream would be to own a turbo diesel Toyota Tacoma. I could then start building these neat aerocaps and have a 40mpg do-it-all, go anywhere vehicle.
I'm not sure what you mean by cultural barriers. If by cultural, you mean having the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car, then I'm not willing to compromise